Top 10 cat names for male and female cats

Did you know that more than half (50%) of all cat and kitten names are either human names or nicknames? People generally name their animals as they would name themselves or their children.

One fifth or 20% of cat names are based on the Pets appearance or personality. A black cat becomes Pepper or Midnight, and active dog Comet or Flash.

Top 10 male cat names

  1. Tigger
  2. Tiger
  3. Max
  4. Smokey
  5. Sam
  6. Kitty
  7. Shadow
  8. Simba
  9. Patch
  10. Lucky

Top 10 female cat names

  1. Tigger
  2. Tiger
  3. Smokey
  4. Kitty
  5. Sassy
  6. Shadow
  7. Patch
  8. Lucky
  9. Misty
  10. Sammy