Even more so, in the last few years, websites that are completely dedicated to cats have started to emerge - and are among the most visited websites on the Internet. Casual images of cats are improved with some funny comments placed on them. This trend doesn't seem to get old and more and more people are fascinated with these pictures.
What makes cat pics so popular?
Why cats? First of all, because cats are among the most popular pets in the world. In fact, the world of pet owners is split between cat lovers and dog lovers - showing clearly the popularity of cats in the world. On the other hand, unlike some dogs, cats have a naturally sweet and "cute" appearance. Images of cats, even in the most usual positions and circumstances can easily be transformed into funny posts, through some well-thought comments. Cat pics have the potential of being much funnier than, say, dog pics, due to the less serious, more on the fun side, image of the cat.
Cats have an image of easy-going animals, are identified with cool, somewhat sarcastic characters. The fun emerges quite easily from that. Dogs are more on the serious side, associated with loyalty and devotion - which, as admirable as they are, are not funny characteristics. This is why you will probably find much more pictures of cats than pictures of dogs on animal-dedicated sites (unless, of course, they are exclusive dog sites).
Types of cat pics
Pictures of cats come in many ways - although a quick Internet search will show that the most popular and visited sites are the one oriented towards fun. Out of the first twenty pages to pop up when looking for cat pictures, only one is more art-oriented or more "on the serious side". Still, artsy pictures of cats are also popular - their feline, delicate form is considered beautiful by most artists and their distant attitude is fascinating to many.
Cat fascination
With their independent allure, cats are more interesting to study than some dogs, whose loyalty and devotion are occasionally picked up as boring by the more adventurous types of people. We all tend to have a fascination with people (or, in this case, animals) who are more distant, and cats have a way of pulling us in just enough, before going their own way.
Beautiful, feisty and funny, gods of the ancient Egyptians, predators at night, lazy felines by day, cats have lots of sides to explore and know to back down without suffocating their owner. There are so many fascinating characteristics one can find in a cat, and the massive amount of websites with cat pics proves it.