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The Pet Rescue

orlando Animal Shelter

7512 Dr. Phillips Blvd.
orlando, Florida 32819
It is traumatic for both pets and families to be separated. As pet owners and pet lovers, it is our intention to create a primary venue by which all pets get returned to their families as expeditiously as possible. It could take up 3 days to put an ad in a local newspaper-- ours is listed all over the US in minutes.

It is not fair for a pet finder to have to pay for an ad to return a pet to its family. That is why we make ads free for found pets. For lost pet owners to place an ad with us, we charge a minimal fee of $20 payable by PAYPAL. If a pet owner wishes to pay a reward to the finder, that is an individual option. If a pet finder wishes to charge a reward, that is to be negotiated with the pet owner and we have no involvement whatsoever.

It is our sincere hope that all people use a good heart and a good conscience in reuniting beloved pets to their homes.

No pets found on this shelter

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