Upper Cumberland Humane Society
105 Carter Circle
lafayette, Tennessee 37083
Phone: 615-826-3364
Fax: 615-826-3364
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Upper Cumberland Humane Society, helping animals in the five county area of Clay, Jackson, Macon, Trousdale and Smith. We also are working state wide for animals. We want to work with all other Humane Societies and Animal Control Programs in Tennessee for the good of all animals in Tennessee. Join us in helping animals in Tennessee.
Our mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by education, legislation and an aggressive spay and neuter program. We believe that Animal Control Programs should be provided by the local Government. We are working towards an Animal Control Program for every county in Tennessee.
Together we can make a difference. Join us and help. We are working for education of the public, legislation to help the animals and to mandate spay and neuter for all pets.
No pets found on this shelter
Directions and map
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