17th Street Dog Spaw

Costa Mesa dog boarding

285 East 17th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Phone: 949-646-5497

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Average Rating for 17th Street Dog Spaw: 5 ( reviews)

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17th Street Dog Spaw Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (1 reviews)


We LOVE the 17th street dog spaw! The place is clean, staff professional & the owner is amazing! Our dogs get the best care Orange County has to offer. They go in waghing their tails & leave the same way. If you are ready for high-quality care & royal treatment at a price no one can beat, take your dog (s) there!!! It's the best! Annie, the owner, is beyond kind, humble & trustworthy & a talented doggy groomer!!!
-Alexa McTavee.

Rating: 5

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