Alkarah German Shepherd Dogs

Hampton dog boarding

553 Charlestown Rd
Hampton, NJ 08827
Phone: 908-735-6217

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Average Rating for Alkarah German Shepherd Dogs: 5 ( reviews)

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Alkarah German Shepherd Dogs Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (2 reviews)


We have our precious German Shepherd female puppy from Alkarah. She Is 5 months old and is a gentle love. She has a companion male puppy, same age, different liter. She has assumed the mother role and I suspect she will be the "boss". She is responsive to training and is a good house pet. Besides all that she is a beauty. Thank you Karin @ Alkarah
-Nancy Zwick.

Rating: 5
We got our german shepherd puppy, now almost 6 months old now, from Alkarah. He has a wonderful temperment. He is loving,intelligent,funny, and gorgeous. He tries to please his owner and plays with the cat. So far he has proven to not be afraid of anything including the vacum cleaner. Thanks Karin for our dog.
-vicki m.

Rating: 5

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