Almost Home Kennel

Belton dog boarding

4520 Fm 93
Belton, TX 76513
Phone: 254-939-2501

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Average Rating for Almost Home Kennel: 5 ( reviews)

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Almost Home Kennel Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (2 reviews)


I used to board my dog at the vet and since we started using Almost Home wouldn't think of taking her anywhere else. You can rest assured that all the animals are healthy, up to date on shots, and she also gets exercise. If you really love your dog, you'll board it here. It's just a couple of dollars more and well worth the peace of mind that they are being well treated.
-Rod Washburn.

Rating: 5
After some horrible boarding experiences at the vet, we found Almost Home Kennel and will never go anywhere else. It is spotless and the pets are loved. Our American Bulldog gets so excited when she knows she is going to see Jay. We are blessed to have such a wonderful home away from home for our beloved pup.
-Michele Klepac.

Rating: 5

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