Hilton Brandi Stansell Dvm

Columbus dog boarding

6374 Schomburg Road
Columbus, GA 31909
Phone: 706-561-3341

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Average Rating for Hilton Brandi Stansell Dvm: 1 ( reviews)

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Hilton Brandi Stansell Dvm Reviews

Average Rating: 1 out of 5 (1 reviews)


Piss Poopr Excuse for a Vet. She needs to work on her Ethics insted of someones wallet. B.T.W. why were you at the emergancy hospital? why didn't you do your job as a Vet and extract the puppies? you must not be to familliar with dogs anotomy, or how long puppies can live in the sack with no blood flow. amniotic fluid has a lot of subtainable o2, go back to school and re up on this course again. you are a murderer, in georgia that can cost your licence to practice anywhere.....
-H Case.

Rating: 1

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