Squaw Creek Kennel

Barnes City dog boarding

Po Box 20
Barnes City, IA 50027
Phone: 641-644-5245

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Average Rating for Squaw Creek Kennel: 3.66666666666667 ( reviews)

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Squaw Creek Kennel Reviews

Average Rating: 3.66666666666667 out of 5 (3 reviews)


I purchased a dog for squaw creek in August of 1996 and just had to give him his wings three weeks ago. If I were closer to Iowa, I would be there today chosing my next companion!! What a great dog!!
-Tracy Martin.

Rating: 5
I just lost a Springer I purchased from Squaw Creek Kennels 14 years ago. The best dog I have every had. Healthy, great companion. Beautiful. Wonderful. I will miss her terribly. Wish Ed still raised Springers. I am having a terrible time finding a replacement that posessess the quality of pups Ed has. Thank you Ed.
-Marilyn Maeschen.

Rating: 5
Squaw Creek Kennels is a puppy mill. Quality Springers? Not a chance. I purchased 2 litter mates that so called breeder Ed Van Doorn bred. HUGE genetic breeding issues. I have the proof. Not only did I have 2 puppies from the same litter, I was able to travel to the top vet schools and have them examined. NO DOUBT breeding issue. Born with detached retinas, and other issues. DO NOT EVER buy any dog from this kennel....
-J B.

Rating: 1

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