Zelda's Pet Grooming

Pullman dog boarding

1045 North Grand Avenue
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-7280

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Average Rating for Zelda's Pet Grooming: 5 ( reviews)

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Zelda's Pet Grooming Reviews

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 (2 reviews)


Zeldas is awesome! I have a cat and had to board her numerous times due to travel, and they were great in helping to find times that worked for me to drop him off. Whether it be someone goes in early or stays late, or even someone coming in on a Sunday to check on the animals will call and let me take my cat over. I wish there was a Zelda's everywhere!
-Jen Fry.

Rating: 5
Always great and loves the dogs
-Jo Heberly.

Rating: 5

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