Dog Park details for PeachCreek Puppy Playground
PeachCreek Puppy Playground
1310 US Hwy 82 West
Tifton, GA 31793
Phone: 229-556-9706
Email: [email protected]
PeachCreek Puppy Playground is located at the intersection of US Hwy 82 West and I-75 in Tifton, GA. The park has a double-gated fenced area for off leash play and a large area for leashed exercise. There is a Doggipot station for convenient clean up as well as water supplies and picnic tables. The store also sells dog supplies and treats.
PeachCreek Puppy Playground directions and map
Below is a map for PeachCreek Puppy Playground, please call for specific directions.
If you would like to add custom text or update the information provided about PeachCreek Puppy Playground please email us at [email protected]
Note: PO Boxes will not show correctly on the map below.