1 . Sussex -
This is a fairly new breed and with its teddy-bear looks and loveable character the Sussex make great rabbits as pets for children. Very similar in nature to the family Labrador - friendly, outgoing, and a little bit greedy!
2. Dutch -
A fun, beautiful little rabbit for kids. They are calm, fairly easy going and small (about 5lbs fully grown). They have big eyes and a sweet demeanour. In the case of a smaller rabbit, getting a buck is highly preferred for the beginner, and especially for children.
3. Himalayan -
A popular children's pet and house rabbit, they are small, generally very calm, with good natures and friendly. They are intelligent, playful and social rabbits that thrive on attention and are usually excellent with children, very tolerant, content to be cuddled and rarely bite or scratch.
4. Havana -
Noted for their docile and friendly temperament. Also can be playful with a bit of an attitude, (just like teenagers then) and quick to bond to their owners. They often win top honours at shows, so your children may want to take up breeding and showing this one!
5. Standard Chinchilla -
A docile and gentle breed with very soft, silky fur. They are intelligent, curious and playful rabbits and enjoy company and attention. Chinchillas are usually good with children and are also well-suited as house rabbits.
6. Florida White -
Gentle, tolerant rabbits that were bred for meat and to be laboratory test subjects. Now proving to be an excellent show rabbit and a beautiful pet with their small size making them ideal for youngsters to handle. Let's get them out of those labs!
7. Californian -
With very similar markings to a Himalayan but larger, can weigh up to 12lbs, they are social, loving, quiet and reserved. Mild mannered, even tempered, calm, with good natures, friendly and non-aggressive making them an excellent choice of pet for children.