Learn More about Your Cats Behavior.

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Learn More about Your Cats Behavior

Cats have very distinct personalities. Their behavior is a peculiar one often times, and they can prove to be really interesting to observe. They are very individualistic animals. However, their personality can also cause you occasional problems or get them into trouble. Knowing your cat well helps determine whether it behaves normally or abnormally.
Usually, a well behaved cat integrates into the household very well and becomes an organic part of it. If it is properly trained, you will on occasion even forget it’s there. But if it misbehaves, you will really feel its presence, although not in a good way. The most common behavioral problems that you might encounter are feline aggression and refusal to use a litter box. These can have a negative impact on both of your lives. On one hand your pet will see a threat in you and will resist your attempts to train it, causing distress for both of you. On the other hand you will have to deal with an aggressive cat that sinks its teeth and claws into almost everything it sees, be it furniture, humans or other pets.
There are many reasons for these kinds of behaviors. How you handled the cat while it was still a kitten, or how you care for it as an adult are important factors when trying to determine what is causing the aggressiveness. When it comes to issues with using the litter box it can be either improper training or a sign of medical problems. Sometimes, the cat might be peeing in the house not because it doesn’t want to use the litter box, but because it suffers from feline lower urinary tract syndrome or lower urinary tract infections. Among the non-medical causes for not using the litter box is stress, not having proper access to it or poor hygiene. An owner should always remember to clean the litter box at least once a week. If you see that your cat is aggressive or refuses to use the litter box for no apparent reason, than a trip to the vet is absolutely necessary.
Having your pet checked is useful if you want to find a solution to both of your problems. You should learn what normal feline behavior is if you want to successfully identify the abnormal one. If your cat has a sudden change in its behavior or personality, than this can mean a number of things. It may be just something temporary or seasonal, or it can very well be something a bit more serious. A good thing about cats is that they have very specific needs, and if these are not met, they will not hesitate to show you. So, when it misbehaves, it can be a sign that there is something wrong with it, or that you are not handling it the right way. A responsible cat owner will know when something feels wrong with his cat. Aggressive felines can be treated in a number of ways, through therapy, training or, as a last resort only, meds. If you keep ignoring your cat’s problems, it will resent you even more and will misbehave, trying to find a substitute for its master.
When you see something wrong with your pet, seek professional help as soon as possible. If you wait long the situation will only worsen.

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