How to stop a male cat from spraying

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How to Stop A Male Cat From Spraying

When cats reach sexual maturity and start looking for a partner, cats will spray, which is a form of marking and claiming their territory. All cats do that, males or females, but you will have to worry more if your cat is a male, because he will be much more active in marking his territory. This can be really a problem if the cat is domesticated and lives with you in the house; stopping him from spraying definitely becomes a priority.

Here are some useful tips.

Neuter the cat

This is the responsible thing to do, considering the huge problem related to cats and dogs overpopulation. Sterilizing the cats will also prevent them from marking their territory, not to mention that the smell of urine will not be terrible anymore.

Take your cat to the vet

Many cat parents overlook that sometimes territorial marking is not the only reason cats spray. They also spray when they are anxious, unsure whether a person or a new object brought into their environment presents a threat, when they what to display victory or to create a bond. When you notice this behavior, you should take you cat to the vet, for a check-up. You will receive professional advice about how to deal with the cat`s behavior and the animal will also be medically checked-up for bacterial bladder infection, feline lower urinary tract disease or urinary incontinence; these conditions may cause indiscriminate urination which can be easily confounded with spraying.

It is very important to uncover the true cause for spraying otherwise you will not be too successful in preventing and eliminating it.

Keep the litter box clean

Healthy cats are clean animals and, if their litter boxes are not clean, they may refuse to use them and instead urinate elsewhere in the house. You should do your best to discipline your cat, not to encourage this behavior, so clean the litter several times per day and also wash the litter box periodically.

Clean urine immediately

If your male cat sprayed in the house, make sure to clean the areas as soon as possible, otherwise he will feel encouraged to manifest this behavior again. Use cleaning products that contain natural enzymes, because they are the only ones that are able to completely eliminate the bad odor. While working on behavior modifications, you can also use treats to reward your cat, each time he passes by a previously sprayed area without spraying it again, or a synthetic pheromone spray, near the targeted areas, to change the cat`s association.

Find ways to change the behavior of your cat

Observe your cat and try to determine if there are other reasons than territorial marking that may trigger the spraying behavior. Give him special attention and play with him; this way, your male cat will relax and feel safer and maybe less threatened. Not all cats spray and if you make the effort to keep your cat relaxed especially during changes such as the introduction of a new family member, relocating to a new home etc., you can determine him to stop spraying around.

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