Ode to Dog Training

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Ode to Dog Training

Training is highly important for your dog. If it’s not done early or often, it might make the dog misbehave, making it hard for them to integrate into their environment.

Dog training helps strengthen the bond between man and animal, resulting in a productive and healthy relationship. It opens up lines of communication, when interaction is done in a friendly, non-violent way, where both participants show mutual respect, cooperation and understanding.

Well socialized dogs are a joy to have around. They are not just pets anymore, they are real friends. Untrained dogs however can be a burden. Their undisciplined behavior will cause frequent trouble and frustration.

Training your dog is the key to avoiding unwanted incidents. Dogs are creatures of habit, so it’s best to teach them good habits from a young age. With a few simple guidelines and a firm but gentle approach, you can model your puppy into a good, well behaved dog that doesn’t manifest destructive behavior such as chewing, digging, aggressive mood or separation anxiety. If a problem does arise, it will be far less difficult to handle if you have trained your dog early. The majority of “bad dogs” are a result of carefree owners.

Training your dog is also a measure of safety for him, you, your family and everybody else he comes in contact with. Voice control is important, and if you establish yourself as an authoritative figure to your dog, it is the fastest way to make him behave. It helps your dog stay out of trouble and might even save his life in certain circumstances. If your dog does something that can prove harmful to him, a simple voice command might make him change course or change his plans. This is very useful in potentially dangerous situations, such as your dog running on a busy road.

Dogs that are well trained appreciate the guidance and the discipline you impose on him. It gives context and meaning to your interaction. And it helps avoid frustration both for the dog and his owner. Owners who don’t train their dogs shouldn’t yell at them either, as the damage made will be much more severe. Training helps relieve the stress that might come between you and your dog.

There are a number of other things you should know about training a dog. It must be consistent in order for it to properly work. It requires that you spend significant time and patience, not do it superficially. Also it is best to do it yourself, as having your dog taught by a Dog Trainer reduces the authority you have, and it can be downright confusing at times for him. It is also necessary that you try and make it fun for both of you and your dog. When a Trainer has to work with multiple dogs a day, it isn’t quite fun anymore. Besides, this type of training is expensive and the end result could prove to be a mixed bag.

When you bring a dog into your home, you also bring a responsibility, as this is foreign territory for him. If we choose to have a dog, we owe him respect, love and care. Effective dog training provides a way to make the dog fit in, by showing him acceptable behavior.

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