Controlling Cat Litter Odor

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Controlling Cat Litter Odor

Everyone who has a pet cat will tell you that cats are extremely clean animals that groom themselves regularly and thoroughly, and do not enjoy living in a dirty environment at all. And then they will tell you that the only real odor problem related to cats comes from their litter boxes. At least 1 in 10 cats stop using their litter boxes in a reliable fashion at some point in their lives due to it not being cleaned regularly, which tells you all you need to know about the general standard of cleanliness cats subject themselves to ? you wouldn?t use a dirty toilet either, would you?

So what can you do to keep your cat?s litter box odor under control and thus suppress the only real source of discomfort when owning a cat? Here are just a few tips to help you out:

1. Keep it clean: This is the most important and at the same time most obvious answer. Keeping your cat?s litter box clean at all times is the best way to remove unpleasant odors from your home. Make sure you check and clean it at least twice a day, every day. Scoop out any clumps (solid and liquid) and throw them away, then replace the litter you removed with fresh one. Also, make sure you wash your cat?s litter box weekly ? use dish detergent for this.

2. Change the litter type: Some litters contain perfumes to supposedly help mask the odor ? veterinarians advise against this, as it can drive the cat away and make the area unpleasant, and rarely works as intended anyway. Instead, use odorless clumping litter. Also, don?t be afraid to experiment with different brands of litter until you find something that works for you.

3. Make sure the box is big enough: While any plastic container can work as a litter box, make sure you buy one that is sufficiently big enough for your cat. It should be at least as wide as your cat is long, and double that in length. This will allow you to add more litter at once (never more than 2-3 inches, however) and make it so that your cat doesn?t have to step in already soiled areas when it needs to go again. Avoid covered litter boxes, though ? these trap odors inside.

4. Change your cat?s diet: After all, we are what we eat. If your cat?s urine and feces have an unusually strong and unpleasant smell, it?s most likely due to something it ate. If it persists for a longer period, try changing your cat?s diet and see what happens. Cheaper cat food is full of filler which result in a strong smell, as well as an unhealthy and unpleasant experience in general for the cat.

5. Ventilation: How powerful an odor is can also be strongly related to how well the area around the source is ventilated. Make sure the litter box is placed in an open space with good ventilation ? this can go a long way towards clearing out unpleasant smells.

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