A retired greyhound has a lot to give a new owner - they make excellent companions to both adults and children and contrary to rumors you may have heard they don't require hours and hours of exercise. They do appreciate a brisk walk everyday and they enjoy a good run much as any other dog does. Greyhounds have a strong chase instinct, some will have been cat tested and would happily live along side a cat or other small furry animal. The life span of a greyhound can be 12 - 15 years of age. This means that once their short racing careers are over these loving and intelligent dogs have many more years ahead of them.
The Greyhound
A retired greyhound has a lot to give a new owner - they make excellent companions to both adults and children and contrary to rumors you may have heard they don't require hours and hours of exercise. They do appreciate a brisk walk everyday and they enjoy a good run much as any other dog does. Greyhounds have a strong chase instinct, some will have been cat tested and would happily live along side a cat or other small furry animal. The life span of a greyhound can be 12 - 15 years of age. This means that once their short racing careers are over these loving and intelligent dogs have many more years ahead of them.