Caring for a chinchilla is a relatively easy task. You can get a cage for them at most pet stores and use woodchips for bedding, as you would for any other small caged animals. You can also let your chinchilla out of the cage to roam the house, but be careful to watch them as they love to hide and can be very difficult to find!
One of the more appealing aspects about chinchillas is the fact that they sleep during the day, this makes them nice pets for children who can spend time with them when they get home from school in the afternoon, or for adults who work during the day.
Your chinchilla will enjoy having hiding places in its house, be sure to provide things like clay pots for them to sleep in. They need a nesting box, so make sure their cage is large enough for it to fit. All wood used in a chinchilla's environment must be non-treated, remember your pet chinchilla is a rodent, and they like to chew!
Chinchillas for the most part are clean animals, but they do require some grooming in the form of dust baths to keep their fur nice and soft. Chinchilla dust is available at most pet supply stores or through your veterinarian. Allow your chinchilla to enjoy a dust bath a few times a week. Be sure to follow the directions on the label, but are fairly simple.
When you adopt your chinchilla, it's best to get a young one, this way you will have a chance to let your chinchilla get used to being held by humans. They might scratch or bite if you scare them, so move slowly at first. They are very soft and cuddly, and when you start playing with them early, you'll have a loyal pet that will bring you years of enjoyment. For the young to old, a chinchilla makes a wonderful pet, that is easy to care for, and will be a friend for a long time.