The Sussex Spaniel

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Sussex Spaniel

Country of Origin: Great Britain

he<i> Sussex Spaniel</i>

History: The Sussex spaniel was developed in Sussex, England as a field dog. It has been recognized as a distinct breed since the 18th century and was well known as a hunting dog on large estates during the 19th century.

Physical Description: This is a muscular, rectangular-shaped dog. It has a strong head with heavy eyebrows and a wide, long skull. The muzzle is square and the lips are pendulous. It has a liver-colored nose and large, hazel eyes. The long, wide drop ears are set low. The tail is docked. There is a profuse, flat or slightly wavy, golden liver coat that is heaviest at the ears, legs and tail.

Height: 13 to 15 inches

Weight: 35 to 45 pounds

Temperament: The Sussex spaniel is easygoing and friendly. It is a hard worker and protective of home and family.

Activity Level: Moderate

Best Owner: It does best in a rural or suburban home.

Special Needs: grooming, socialization, training

Possible Health Concerns: Cardiac problems, intervertebral disc syndrome, otitis externa

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