Basset Artesien Normand

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Basset Artesien Normand

Alternative Names: BAN

Country of Origin: France

History: The basset Artesien Normand was created by French breeders in the late 19th century from a mix of bassets from Normandy and Artois. It was developed as a small game hound.

<b>Basset Artesien Normand</b>

Physical Description: This is a small to medium size, sturdy but elegant dog that is markedly longer than it is tall. It has a narrow, domed skull and wide muzzle of medium length. The nose is broad and black, and their eyes are large and dark. The long ears are folded or corkscrewed, set low, and are of fine leather. The neck is long and the feet are large and turned outwards. The long tail is tapered. The short, weather-resistant coat is typically of hound tip colors or in white with orange patches. The coat on the back may be grizzled.

Height: 10 to 14 inches

Weight: 33 pounds

Temperament: This is a good-natured, outgoing dog that makes a loving companion. It does well with families and is very adaptable, but will roam.

Activity Level: Moderate

Best Owner: This breed does well in city, suburban, and rural homes.

Special Needs: Fenced yard, leashed

Possible Health Concerns: Disc disease

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