Dogs in Religion

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Dogs in Religion

Many religions have had a love/hate with the dog. While some religions consider the dog to be an impure animal, others value the creatures as noble friends, workers, and even innocents. In religious writings dogs are most often associated with death or the afterlife. Some cultures even believed that dogs posed a heightened sense of death, and that their barking could warn off, or even act as a harbinger of death.

<b>Dogs in Religion</b>

The question of weather dogs have soles has been something that modern religions have recently tackled, generally concluding that they do not. However many ancient religions such as the Egyptians did believe that dogs had soles. They manifested this belief by burying dogs with there owners, for both protection and companionship in the afterlife.

Dogs have often taken on the cloaks of both good and evil, their presence being either good or evil omens. In some religions they have been considered minions of the devil and other evil spirits, while in other religions they are considered messengers of God, or even Gods themselves.

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