Dogs in Islam

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Dogs in Islam

Dogs are considered so impure in the religion of Islam that most fundamentalist believe that something as small as even touching a dog requires a ritualistic purification. A bowl that a dog eats from cannot even be used until it has been washed seven times, and then scrubbed with earth.

<b>Dogs in Islam</b>

It is important to know that although dogs are considered unclean, the prophet Mohammed opted not to exterminate all dogs for two reasons.

1. Because Allah created them, only Allah can destroy them.
2. Because of their proven skills in assisting hunters and shepherds in their work.

It has also been said that Mohammad even had his own dog for hunting. He did however condone the killing off all black dogs with light markings above the eyes, as he believed this was the marking of the devil.

In one Islamic scripture, A Muslim man provides water to a thirsty dog. Another member of his group complains to Mohammad that the man is now impure because he touched a dog; Mohammad then chastised the man who complained, saying the first man was a better Muslim because of his compassion and kindness to animals.

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