Relatives of the dog 2 0f 6

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Relatives of the dog 2 0f 6

The Dingo

The Dingo is a member of the domestic dog family, though it has lived in the wild in Australia for thousands of years. We do not know how the Dingo first arrived in Australia, but there are a couple of theories. Some believe that the Dingo came to Australia with the original Aborigines, others believe they arrived in Asian ships, or Indian traders. Although it is now rare Dingos are sometimes still kept as pets by native peoples. Features of the Dingo that distinguish it from the domestic dog include a longer muzzle, larger molars, and longer canine teeth. It has a lithe, deep-chested body which suits it well for all of the long distance running.

<b>Relatives of the dog</b> 2 0f 6

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