Relatives of the dog 3 and 4 0f 6

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The Fox and the Jackal

A more distant relative of the dog than the wolf, jackal, and coyote is the fox. There are 21 different species of the fox throughout the world,, including the red, gray and arctic. Foxes hunt alone not rather than in packs, however they often live in small groups. Foxes vocalize by yapping, howling and barking. Their food sources include small rodents, rabbits, wild fruits and berries, and insects.

Relatives of the dog 3 and 4 0f 6

The Jackal

There are four known species of Jackals; the side-stripped Jackal, the black or silver backed jackal, Simien Jackals, and the golden jackals. Most species are found in Africa, the more common variety live form the Balkans to Burma. Jackals have a large vocabulary and use yips, growls, and hisses to communicate. The majority of their social behavior is similar to that of a domestic dog, using submissive and aggressive postures to communicate their hierarchy in the pack. They are both predator and scavenger with some species following lion packs to scavenge from their kills.

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