No-Kill Pet Shelters

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No-Kill Pet Shelters

vDue mostly to effective spay and neuter programs, the education they provide fewer dogs and cats are showing up in shelters. Many shelter workers oppose euthanizing healthy animals. This combination of factors has given both to a new type of shelter, the no-kill shelter. No-kill shelters will not euthanize any adoptable pet. This means they will only kill animals who are very old, injured or ill, or aggressive towards humans and or other animals. This also means that they will not put down an animal for space, the only downside to this is that they are not always able to take in every animal who comes to their door.

<b>No-Kill Pet Shelters</b>

Its important to remember that there are not fewer dogs being euthanized, there are just fewer dogs at no-kill shelters being euthanized. Many opponents claim that no-kill shelters give a false sense of hope in that just because they will not euthanize a dog, they do not claim that the dogs are sometimes transferred to facilities which will eventually euthanize the pet. We still fully support no-kill shelters, and feel it gives adoptable pets a fighting chance instead of a 3 week sentence on death row.

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