Poop Scoop laws

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Poop scoop law is currently enforced in most urban areas in the United States. This is a fairly new law, because until about 20 years ago, it was not required to clean up after a dog in most locations. Today, this is still the case in many foreign countries and some rural areas in the United States. The reason why these laws are enforced is animal feces create public and environmental hazards, not to mention the unpleasant sight and smell. People who dont pick up after their dogs in public areas will get cash fines in most urban areas. Depending on how serious a municipality finds the infraction, the fines for not picking up after a dog can range anywhere from $25 to $1,000.

Poop Scoop laws

There are some cities that have also passed different laws that require people to remove dog feces even from their own properties within 24 hours.

The reason why these laws are reinforced is the fact that feces pollute water and attract pests that carry diseases.

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