Dogs on an airplane

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There are a few restrictions that the USDA imposes for transporting dogs by an airplane. Their kennels must be adequately sized and ventilated, and have clear markings and handles. Regardless of how long the flight is, the dogs must be provided with food and water, airlines must feed and water adult dogs at least one time every 24 hours. Puppies who are young have to be fed and watered every one time every 12 hours. It is prohibited for a puppy under 8 weeks old to fly.

Dogs on an airplane

Because of the publicity about the dangers of animals flying as cargo on commercial airlines, the United States congress has passed laws that require airlines to report any and all injuries, deaths, or incidents that happen with the animals while they are flying on a passenger airline.

There are many different laws when it comes to companion animals, and they change often. These laws range widely depending on where you live—north or south, east or west, or city or country. You may contact your local animal control facility if you would like to learn what your specific right and responsibilities are as an animal caretaker.

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