Purebred or mutt

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There are those who only want a purebred, and others who refuse to get anything but a mixed breed. There are some plusses and minuses with both, and whichever route you will choose, you can get a happy and well-adjusted and friendly dog.

<b>Purebred</b> or<i> mut</i>t

You may have a general sense of the dogs personality and what it will look like as an adult when you buy a purebred puppy. Even though dogs are all individuals, they were bred for specific tasks, and dogs of the same breed usually have similar personality traits. The downside is that purebred dogs suffer from more generic problems than random-bred dogs, for example hip dysplasia, skin allergies, and eye and heart problems.

When you adopt a random-bred puppy, it is most likely that you wont know what he will look like as an adult. Fans of mixed breeds believe this is half the fun, while others want to know for sure the size and personality traits of their dog. Its difficult to say which physical or temperamental traits will predominate, even when you know the breeds that were mixed.

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