Human Alergies to Dogs

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There are lots of people who are allergic to dogs. Symptoms are sneezing, coughing, red and itchy eyes and nose, scratchy and sore throat, and difficulty breathing or wheezing.

You do not have to get rid of your dog if you have been diagnosed with a dog allergy by an allergy specialist. There are always ways to reduce allergens in your dog and your house, so that you can keep on enjoying your pet—you can start by discussing allergy shots or medications with your doctor:

Human Alergies to Dogs

--Leave one of the rooms in your house dog-free. To secure a good night sleep without allergens, the best room for this is your bedroom. However, air currents may still spread the allergens throughout the house, if you have forced air heating or air conditioning. Get a central air purifier for your home that uses a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arresting) filter and use it for at least four hours per day, it will remove a good amount of the pet allergens.
--Make sure your vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter and vacuum frequently. Also, clean walls with water on a regular basis to reduce allergens and dust.
--Limit the number of rugs, upholstered furniture and drapes in your home, and use washable blinds or shades and cotton-covered furniture. Instead of wall-to-wall carpeting, go for hardwood floors or tile.
--Clean the dogs bed and crates often. Wash the clothes that you wear while interacting with dogs, and then you can put them in the closet with everything else.
--Give your dog a bath once a week and brush or comb once a day. This can greatly reduce the number of allergens on the fur.
--Look for symptoms of dermatitis in your dog, which are skin sloughing and fur shedding. Dont forget to always wash your hands after touching the dog, and dont touch your eyes or your face before you wash your hands.
--Wear a dust mask in order to reduce allergens while you groom your dog and do housework. If you can, have a professional who doesnt suffer from allergies help you with these tasks.

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