Kid friendly dogs

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There are some breeds that are usually better with kids than others, but of course, there are always exceptions to this rule. There is no single dog or breed that is completely trustworthy with kids. Even though Labs and golden retrievers are usually great with kids—theyre patient, gentle and playful—there are individual dogs who can have social or genetic defects that can make them aggressive. For example, American pit bull terriers are usually portrayed as dangerous with kids, but in real life they are the best companions for kids. They have a great fondness for children, so the bully breeds are sometimes called nanny or nursemaid dogs. But like any other breed, whether its a Lab, golden retriever, or a bully breed, they all need proper socialization and training to be brought up children-friendly. It doesnt matter what breed—dogs should never be left alone with children. Make sure your sleeping infant is secured and far from the dogs reach.

Kid friendly<b> dog</b>s

Almost any dog can be a great pet or a potential biter, but there are a few breeds out there that have tendencies that you should know about. The predatory instincts of some dogs are stronger than those of others. Examples are northern breeds and terriers. Even though it is rare, some dogs can think that the crying of a baby is wounded prey and respond in an according manner. Herding dogs will herd livestock, other pets in the family and your kids. This can be potentially dangerous or frightening, especially if the dog is bred to use its mouth to heel livestock. This can create a tension between the child and the dog, because their teeth can cause unintended bruises and cuts. Terriers are other sharp dogs, they can be mouthy and nippy. They need to start socializing with kids early, because quick hands and running feet can make them snap. If dogs such as Akitas, mastiffs, pit bulls, Dobermans are not properly socialized, they can be dangerous because of their strength, even though they are believed to be wonderful protectors of children. Small dogs lack strength and size, so they do less damage, even though they are believed to be the most common biters. A large guardian dog can be dangerous if he feels possessive over a toy or over food.

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