Dogs in your bedroom

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Make sure that your clothes, shoes and books are off the floor. Keep closet doors closed securely, and store all loose items in closets and on shelves. If it is appropriate, get child safety latches so you can keep closet and cabinet doors shut. To make sure the puppy doesnt wander without supervision, always keep the door to the room shut when youre not in it. Clean under your bed, because puppies like to get under there and will play with anything that has been piling up.

<b>Dogs in your bedroom</b>

Tuck in the fabric corners to keep hanging fabric to a minimum, and be sure that the bedding doesnt hang on the floor or any tassels that would appear tempting to a puppy. Common nightstand items are pills—aspirin, vitamins, and cough medicines, keep them far away from the dog. To keep them safely out of reach, put them in a drawer.

If you have children, keep their toys off the floor. Both kids and dogs dont like to give up their toys, so the battle goes on. This conflict can pose danger for your child, because it can cause the dog to be possessive of his toys. Your puppy must be taught that he has his own toys, and kids toys are only for kids. He will not learn this important lesson if he is allowed to play with your childs toys. Also, there are dangers lurking in childrens toys. Toy stuffing and small plastic parts are not puppy safe. They are ingestion and choking hazards. Keep floors clean and bedroom doors closed to the puppy, in order to avoid your favorite toys being chewed up, puppies getting sick and battling between kids and pups over toys.

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