Preventing pet accidents

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It is possible to prevent many tragedies, such as choking, poisoning, injuries and certain illnesses. A common one is choking. To prevent choking, buy toys that are made especially for dogs. Remember that if a toy has moveable parts or sewn-on features, it is a hazard. Examine balls and other chew toys closely. Before you allow your dog to play with them, make sure they are too large to swallow. Small dogs need smaller toys than do larger dogs. Dont allow your larger dog to play with the smaller dogs toys if you have different size dogs. Another choking danger is bones. Do not ever give your dog bones that have been cooked, because they can easily splinter and cause choking. Make sure your kitchen garbage is out of reach.

Preventing <b>pet accident</b>s

Another household danger is getting into poisons. Without even thinking about it, we encounter lots of poisons and toxins on a daily basis. Lots of these may be dangerous or even fatal to dogs. Among toxic things for dogs are indoor and outdoor plants, cleaning supplies, car fluids, rat and mouse poisons, pesticides, and even certain human foods, such as chocolate and onions. Keep these and other toxins that you are not sure about out of your dogs reach.

Sports injuries, falls and traffic related injuries are usually preventable. The best injury preventive is to always keep your dog under control, whether within a secure fenced-in area, or on a leash. Pay attention to your dogs needs and keep him in good condition, in order to avoid pulled muscles, heatstroke, and various other exercise related injuries. Dont just run your dog hard once a week, dont exercise him during the hottest hours of the day and make sure you always keep him hydrated.

There are some serious illnesses that seem to come from nowhere. However, many of them can be treated before they become an emergency. Dont just hope it will go away, if your dog shows symptoms of an illness, such as coughing, vomiting and diarrhea. Call your vet and tell him what symptoms you are observing. Your dogs chances of a quick recovery are better the sooner you treat the illness.

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