Basic Guidelines to Help You Find the Best Dog Foods

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Basic Guidelines to Help You Find the Best Dog Foods

Dog nutrition is an important and, in the meantime, delicate issue. In your quest to find the best dog foods, you should keep an open mind and take into consideration some vital factors such as breed, activity level, size and age. No matter if your dog has a medical condition or not, it is recommended to seek the advice of your veterinarian as to what the best feeding plan is. Self-education is useful and, by reading dog food reviews, learning about food ingredients and dos and donts of dog nutrition, you will gain the self-confidence needed to assume the responsibility for your pets well-being.

Basic Guidelines to Help You Find the Best Dog Foods

Overfeeding is just as much as a problem as malnutrition is, and looking for the best dog foods includes learning about the healthy amount of daily food that your pet requires. Giving into soft, begging looks will give you a momentarily relief, but you will have to face serious consequences later on.

A wholesome, well-balanced diet will reflect itself in the well-being and looks of your dog. Healthy skin and coat, clear eyes, healthy teeth and gums, energy, and a great vitality are all good signs. Some of the best dog foods may be more expensive than less healthier ones, but saving the many trips (and bills!) to the vet due to dietary diseases will compensate you for the higher price. It is not a rule, however, that the better the food, the higher the price.

A poor diet leads to a dull coat, skin problems and shedding, to a weak immune system, sluggish behavior, bad breath and many other discomforts. It is recommended to change, every now and then, the food you feed your dog every day. Observe the dog for about 6 weeks and, if you notice coat or skin deterioration, change the food. You will notice immediate improvements.

While experimenting to find the best dog foods available, read the label cautiously when you pick your dogs dry or canned food. It should not contain harmful preservatives such as BHA, BHT and Ethoxyquin. With some research, you will be able to identify hidden ingredients on the label: waste products, dyes, pesticides and chemicals. It is very important for you to pay close attention to the ingredients contained in your dogs food. You do not want your pet to ingest unhealthy chemicals, which can lead to intoxications or various other health problems. Therefore, read the label and choose only those foods which contain only natural ingredients.

Canned food is now considered to be one of the best dog foods, as it contains less carbohydrates than dry food, but more moisture. The canning process is by itself preservative, and canned food should not contain as many preservatives. Raw food is great for dogs. Try giving your pet raw bones or raw fish on a weekly basis. The best however, if you are organized enough and have the time and diligence needed, is to prepare yourself home-made food for your dog.

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