Big Dog Clothing - Functional and Comfortable, Not Just Fun

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We are all used to see cute little dogs being walked up and down the streets with bows on their head, wearing clothes or costumes showing the wild imagination of their owners or that of the dog fashion designers. It is easy to believe that small size dogs are more sensitive to the vicissitudes of weather than big dogs are. It is, in the meantime, difficult to imagine that some of the big dogs, despite their imposing appearance and statuary looks, are just as sensitive to cold and wet conditions as their smaller relatives are. In spite of all incidental prejudices, big dog clothing is not only a source for fun, but it is functional too.

Big Dog Clothing - Functional and Comfortable, Not Just Fun

Some big dog breeds are short-haired and their coat does not offer proper protection in cold weather or in rain. To avoid later complications due to these adversities, it is a good idea to find appropriate dog clothing. If possible, opt for clothes made of natural fabrics, but pay attention to durability also. Big dog clothing has to be well fitted, and comfortable to wear, not to impede the free movement of your pet. For winter walks a warm fleece dog jacket is a wise option.

If you own a short-haired big dog, you probably know already that it is a tad harder to find big dog clothing, and the bigger the needed size, the narrower the possibilities. With dog clothes and accessories being a rage nowadays, chances of finding the clothing you are looking for are improving with every passing week. Some of the options you have:

* The internet. There are many web shops offering a wide range of styles and sizes, and even if you do not find from the first trial what you are looking for, by browsing through the offers you will get a fair idea of what is good and useful.
* Pet clothing stores. They are gaining popularity and have a wide range of products. It can prove to be fruitful to walk in and check out the big dog clothing in person, as you will have the opportunity to become familiar with the different fabrics available, and to check out the functionality of the featured designs.
* Your own home. After purchasing the first few items, you will notice that they are usually easy to make. Let only your own imagination free and have your creativity work for the pets comfort. The advantage of making dog clothing yourself is that you can fit it perfectly to the specific needs of your dog, along with getting to choose your favorite patterns and fabrics.

If functional and comfortable, big dog clothing is a wise idea and will protect your dog from health-related issues and you from extra veterinary bills. In addition to clothing, do not hesitate to check out the accessory trends and offers too, as some of them are quite ingenious and will make the outdoors experience with your dog, a more complete one.

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