Learn More about the Most Popular Big Dogs

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The economic hardship of the latest years has strongly affected the pet population. Due to foreclosures, bankruptcies and dramatic budget cuts many pets were abandoned, taken into shelters or simply thrown out in the streets. While this phenomenon affected all kinds of pets, big dogs might be the biggest abandonment upset. The rescue groups and animal shelters are full of these wonderful, big and loyal creatures. Let us meet some breeds and see what makes them so special.

Learn More about the Most Popular Big Dogs

* Labrador Retriever. An exceptional family companion, the breed is affectionate, patient and constantly aims to please. They have a strong sense of appurtenance to the family. They are good with children. Their hunting and tracking instinct makes them not so good with cats, unless raised together with one.

* Golden Retriever. The breed is among the beauties in big dogs. The ultimate children lover, extremely patient and caring, it is great fun for outdoor lovers too. The breed feels quite well around water, it is obedient and a quick learner.

* Bloodhound. A powerful and massive hound dog, it is kind, noble, loves to receive attention from children. The breed is determined and independent; its training requires patience, and firmness. Because of the keen sense of smell it is often used for rescues and criminal searches.

* St. Bernard. Another big size dog renowned for its extreme patience with children. The breed is docile, caring and good as a watchdog. Training and socialization should start from an early age for these gentle giants.

* Irish Setter. Beautiful, elegant and dignified, the Setters are energetic and high-spirited big dogs. They are extremely intelligent and independent, requiring focus and persistence in training. Good with children, they are adaptable to any climate, fast, and possess and excellent sense of smell.

* Collie. This is a charmer amongst big dogs! Loyal and sensitive, easy to train and playful, these dogs are patient and wonderful with children. With a Collie you a get a friend devoted for life, quite sociable and outgoing.

* Great Dane. A breed with an impressive size; they are good with other dogs and with children. They constantly seek affection from people. Because of their size, they have to get obedience training. They are happily taking up the role of couch potatoes.

* Weimaraner. An aristocratic looking breed, it is energetic and affectionate, with a strong sense of smell. They are good with children, but not recommended around the babies. They need firm training and have to be taught not to jump.

Big dogs are usually gentle and kind; they will especially show gratitude and will be loyal. It is only logical that dogs of a big size would eat a lot, but that depends much on the type and temperament of the dog also. As a general rule, whether you buy a big dog breed or adopt from a shelter, only settle to do so if you are sure you can give your pet room enough and the so needed daily exercise.

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