Learn What Breeds of Dogs Suit You Best

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Dogs have been around for centuries and people loved them for different reasons. Some were good hunters, other were skilled at herding. Some dogs were hard workers and others were able to provide valuable service. Breeding was a means to develop and maintain the specific characteristics of breeds while trying to make them better and better. As a result, many breeds of dogs are here today to delight us with their looks, intelligence, loyalty, reliability or other qualities. Every owner is different and in consequence, every dog is wanted for different reasons.

Learn What Breeds of Dogs Suit You Best

Most Popular Small Breeds of Dogs:

*Dachshund. It occupies the 8th place among the 2010 top 10 most popular AKC dog breeds. A good watchdog, loyal to its owner, however not recommended having around small children.
*Chiwawa. Toy dog that gains popularity thanks to its big dog attitude and the many celebrities opting for it.
*Pomeranian. A sturdy, healthy dog that loves to play with children although it sheds a lot.
*Pug. With its wrinkly face and its vivacity, this dog is a loved family dog that enjoys the company of children.
*Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. This cute dog is affectionate and devoted that enjoys tremendously the company of humans

Most Easy to Train Breeds of Dogs:

*Labrador Retriever. Stable and calm, very good natured and friendly, it occupies the special first place among the top 10 most popular AKC dog breeds.
*Golden Retriever. Initially a hunting dog, it is extremely patient and kind with children, it makes a wonderful companion.
*Australian Cattle Dog. Initially a herding dog, this one is a courageous worker that makes a playful family pet.
*German Shepherd Dog. Large breed renowned for its intelligence and strength, extremely loved and popular.
*Poodle. Highly energetic and creative about finding mischief, this breed is extremely intelligent and easy to train.

Most Popular Breeds of Dogs that Are Good for Children

*Golden Retriever. The living example of patience, this breed loves to play and loves the water too.
* Collie. The beloved Lassie stands up to its reputation. Loving, playful, intelligent and energetic, this dog is a perfect family dog.
*Australian Terrier. A protective watchdog, it is tough, energetic, curious, lovable and very good with children.
*Beagle. Merry, gentle and playful, the breed likes children and is protective with the family.
*Labrador Retriever. Enough said!

This list could go on an on with top popular breeds of dogs in very different categories. Confused? You should not be. If you decide to buy or adopt a pet, determine as a first step what breed truly matches your living conditions, your lifestyle, and the family environment. Do a research on temperament and other specificities of breeds you will terribly enjoy all that reading. Be confident, after some time spent on learning, you will be able to choose the perfect breed for you and your family.

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