How to Choose Dog Breeds that Are Compatible With You

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When you want to find a new canine pet, choosing between dog breeds or picking any particular dog can have a significant impact on your life and family over the next 10 to 20 years. There are many types of purebred dogs you can choose from. There are also a number of places where you can find the dog you need. Pet shelters are quite possibly the best choice, since you will find there many dogs that are in need of a good home and a loving new family.

How to Choose Dog Breeds that Are Compatible With You

Especially in these times when there are so many economic issues, a large number of animals have become homeless since their owners had no way to afford them anymore. There are even many dogs belonging to purebred dog breeds that end up in shelters because of this. Therefore, while for the future owner choosing a new dog can simply be a 5-minute decision, for the dog it can often be a life and death situation since their possible fate is euthanasia.

In case you are looking for a dog with specific traits, you will find that purebreds are your best choice. While this is mostly true, crossbred dogs can usually offer more diversity in case you dont find the purebreds to be what youre looking for.

If you are looking for an intelligent and adaptable dog who can stand out in the crowd, your best option is a poodle. Poodles are among the most intelligent dog breeds you will ever find, and their unique aspect will always be able to turn heads. They are also very well behaved and they love human companionship. The combination of these traits makes the poodle a perfect family pet that you will never be disappointed with.

Another breed that can be an excellent family companion is the boxer. This dog is very playful and intelligent and can be a loyal family protection dog as well, which will never let you down. Boxers are especially good with children since they are exceptionally active, athletic and playful.

There are many other dog breeds you can choose from that would make excellent family dogs. What is most important, however, is to know exactly the type of traits you will need in a dog. If you need them to be good companions for your children, for example, it is best to avoid dogs that are very active and aggressive, since, without proper training they can frighten them. These types of athletic dogs, such as rottweilers or bulldogs for example are best when you need a strong and loyal dog to protect your home.

In case none of the known breeds have the traits you may require, it is always a good idea to have a look at the many mixed breeds available in animal shelters. Even though little may be known about their ancestry, these can be just as good as many of the known pure dog breeds. Moreover, you might even be able to find precisely the unique type of dog that will be perfect for you and your family.

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