Bonding with Your Pet by Playing Fun Dog Games

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Life with a pet implies energy and creativity. When the pet you have chosen is a dog, you must multiply the two by infinite. Dogs are naturally energetic creatures which get bored very fast, meaning you have to keep them entertained as much as possible. In your spare time, play some dog games with your canine buddy; these activities will keep the both of you busy and burn some energy on both sides. You can basically make anything become a fun game you can enjoy with your pup.

Bonding with Your Pet by Playing Fun Dog Games

Fetching games are the easiest dog games you can draw your canine friend into. The Find-a-Toy game implies one or more toys or any other accessories you may find entertaining and recognizable by your dog which will be hidden around the house while your dog is in sit/stay position. After the objects to find are hidden, you release the pup after telling him to bring the objects to you.

Similarly, the Go-Get game implies the sit/stay position while you take a few objects and put them in another room than the one your dog is in. When you return to your pup, you release him, but not before telling him which object to bring to you first. These exercises discipline your dog and increase his attention and perception.

Obedience training sessions with your dog can become great dog games when done in a cheerful manner. Being your pup, you can act friendlier and warmer with your pet than a professional dog trainer would. Obedience training requires your dog to think and develop a sense of responsibility towards what he is learning during your sessions with him. Remember to praise him when he gives you a positive response and correct him if he makes the wrong decision, but also give him time to improve.

One of the cutest most popular dog games is the Shell Game where you can use three or more cups or even bigger containment objects to hide one doggie treat or the house keys with your scent on them, for example. You let the dog in sit/stay position and put the three cups upside down while hiding the doggie treat or house keys under one of them. Give your dog the release command or bring him near the cups and encourage him to find the doggie treat or house keys. After a few times, you can increase the difficulty by adding more cups or teaching the dog to react - for example bark - when he finds the treat.

Your buddy needs fun games, training games or petting sessions - he will love you as long as you give him his deserving attention. You will feel happier seeing your canine companion happy while playing these fun dog games with him. Fetch, jumping through hoops or Frisbee can be played with the whole family, your dog will feel like part of the family and your family will love the pet even more. It is up to you to choose the best suitable game.

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