Things You Need To Get at The Dog Store for Your New Adopted Dog

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Youve adopted a new dog from the animal shelter, and now you need to make a trip to the dog store. Lets take a look at a few things that are indispensable for you and your new pet.

Things You Need To Get at The Dog Store for Your New Adopted Dog

Your family is thrilled about your new pet dog, especially your children. They now have someone to play with in the back yard. They are already dividing the chores- who will wash it, who will feed it, where they will take it for walks, who will sleep with it and so on. This is an exciting time in your familys life! So take everyone along to the dog store so you can be prepared for your cuddly new dog.

First of all, you will need to get food. Check with your vet on what type of food is best suited for your new family addition. With so many brands to choose from, you need to make sure your dog will get the proper nutrition for his age, weight and breed type. You will of course need dishes, some that arent easily breakable and that can be easily cleaned and handled by your kids too.

Dogs also need a place to sleep, unless you choose to let him sleep with you or the kids. Depending on the size and breed of the dog, you should either buy it a dog house and keep it outdoors or get it a dog bed and choose an area of the house where it should sleep. Your local dog store should carry either of these; all you need to do is decide as a family on where you want your little one to spend his nights.

Dont forget about toys! Dogs, like your kids, love to play. Your new pet can, of course, play with your kids and their toys, but they will be chewed on and soon your children may start resenting the dog. So get the puppy its own toys to play with! And some treats to chew on, unless you want your shoes and furniture filled with teeth marks.

Another important item you need to get for your new dog is an identification tag. You can usually buy it and engrave it at any dog store. Make sure you have all the important information on it. While youre there, get a leash as well. Have your kids check the leashes out, since they will be doing a lot of the walking with their new pet.

Last but not least, get your dog some grooming tools, like a brush, shampoo, and toothbrush. Your kids will learn valuable life lessons from taking care of their new pet. They will start taking better care of themselves this way too. Adopting a dog for your family is a great action to take. The dog will finally have a place of its own and people to love and care for it. To offer your new animal companion everything it needs, make sure you visit your local dog store at least once a month.

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