How to Choose the Best Dog Store

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When you have to choose among dog stores in your area, there are certain factors to consider. Your new dog is a member of your family and you have to treat it accordingly. Therefore, you must be careful where you do your shopping for him and what the stores have to offer.

How to Choose the Best Dog Store

All dog stores will carry a huge variety of dog food. Its important to feed him the right things, so he can grow healthy, just like you would choose good food for your family. But food isnt the only decisive factor when choosing a store. Keep in mind that your dog is a living breathing creature that also loves to play. So make sure your local pet shop has plenty of dog toys to choose from.

If youre not home all the time, then you probably need to have someone look after your dog. Some dog stores offer doggy day care or even dog camps. When choosing a day care, you want to check out who will be looking after your dog and what kind of a person it is. You want to also know what other types of dogs are enrolled and how many. The aim is to make your dog as comfortable as possible while hes not with you. A dog camp usually has lots of activities planned out for their dogs, like learning tricks and burning off excess energy. You want to be certain the facilities are clean and dog friendly, that the action takes place outside as well, as you wouldnt want your dog to spend his whole day only indoors. Additionally, see what kind of schedule they have; can you drop off the dog as you wish, or do they have a strict program? Whats their policy on week-ends or long stays?

Some dog stores will also have veterinary facilities onsite. How convenient is that? When you go to pick up food, you can give your dog his booster shots or check him for fleas. Some also offer dog training, in a group or one on one. Furthermore, most stores should have grooming services onsite as well. Again, this is great because you can pick up a toy or some treats for him right after hes been cleaned.

Another factor that could be conclusive in choosing the right dog store is if they also have dogs for adoption. Your dog could get lonely all by himself at home, and maybe even your kids could be ready for another pet. Its really easy to get another one at your local store.

As you can see, there are plenty of factors to consider when choosing a good dog store. You want friendly atmosphere, hassle free shopping and plenty of services included, or offered right there in the store. Dont pick the dog stores with the cheapest prices, but look for the ones that have other perks, like the day care or an overnight pet hotel and even a vet clinic onsite.

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