The Yorkie

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As toy sized dogs have become a fashion, everyone is struggling to find breeds that are comfortable to have in all types of houses, and among the most desired breeds are the Yorkie dogs. The Yorkhisre Terrier, also known as the Yorkie, is a tiny energetic dog that loves to exercise, but does not require a large space to develop his activities in. Therefore, he can be kept in apartments, but adjusts well to houses with big yards too.

The Yorkie

Yorkie dogs have small black noses and dark, medium sized eyes. Their coats are long and shiny and come in colors of tan and blue. Young pups are born with tan and dark brown colors. A peculiarity is the hair on the head that is very long and needs to be gathered in a band in order to keep it out of the dogs bowl and to provide him with an optimal visibility. In some cases, owners decide to trim this hair.

Despite their size, Yorkies are very brave and adventurous. They possess high levels of energy and great courage, and show increased intelligence. Owners that understand a dogs needs love to have Yorkies as companions.

As with any other dog breed, if the owner doesn't make them understand that he is the pack leader, and not them, yorkies will show suspiciousness to strangers and become overprotective with their masters. They will also bark a lot in order to show you what they want. These dogs are recommended for strong personalities, because their small and cute size often allows them to get away with the troubles they cause.

Yorkie dogs are indeed stubborn, but actually easy to train. If the owner does not teach them how to behave, they will require a great deal of attention. If trained properly, they can be great watchdogs despite their petite size. Yorkies react very well to children and behave in a loving and protective way around them.

Yorkie dogs are prone to some health-related problems, including bronchitis, eye infections and intolerance to anesthetics. Owners should only feed them dry food because they have fragile teeth and a delicate digestion. They need to be taken care of and supervised constantly, because they have fragile bones that can fracture easily. Yorkies need to be groomed regularly, their coat texture demands it. They do not shed large amounts of hair, though.

With a life expectancy of about 12-15 years, the Yorkie will make a great long-lasting companion to anyone who loves toy dogs. Special attention must be given to their health condition, because their size and their genes bring some risks in what concerns medical problems. But their energy and the sheer joy they bring in the house is totally worth it.

If you consider purchasing a dog, make sure to visit animal shelters and think about adopting instead of buying one from a pet shop. You may be saving a dogs life if you do so. You can find Yorkie dogs to adopt in animal shelters too, and you would be getting yourself a loving friend for life.

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