Adopting a Small Dog

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If you want to have a dog to keep in your apartment, then a small dog is what you need.

Not sure yet what to choose?

It depends on what you find more suitable for your personality and the characteristics you like most in a dog. A small dog is always cute and full of charm. But this is often not enough.

Adopting a Small Dog

* Looks
They obviously are important. You can chose some funny-looking dog, short face or not, or you can go for a more serious looking one. Long hair means trouble with maintenance, but this is what makes a great-looking small dog. Unlike the common belief, short hair may also involve shedding a lot.

* Behavior
I say that behavior is more important than looks, and if you are a dog owner, you know I'm right. A dog who is not really „trainable” means trouble, even if it is a small dog. You can have some not-very-pleasant surprises when you get back from work, like chewed carpets or furniture, wardrobe messes, dirt all over the place, destroyed pillows or sofa, and so on.

* Size
You can choose slimmer and shorter or sturdier breeds, depending on your likes. They will be easy to transport and to carry around with you. You can use a kennel or a handbag or even your purse. Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Papillion, Toy Poodle and Pug are some of the smallest dog breeds.

* Purpose
Do you want a watchdog? Well then, you should look somewhere else. A barking small dog is almost never taken seriously by a burglar. Moreover, small dogs are usually very fond of people, so they will never be good watchdogs. However, some of the breeds may not accept being around strangers too easily, so there might be some growling or barking when somebody other than a family member comes around.

Do you want a companion for your kid? This is not such a bad idea, as long as you teach your kid how to be responsible for his or her new pet. Small dogs are generally great with children.

Do you want a loyal companion? Then you should get yourself such a dog as long as you do not plan to leave him alone for more time than you spend staying with him. As you need companionship, so does the dog.

All in all, small dogs are excellent pets. They are easier to take care of than the larger breeds. You only need short walks and little physical exercise to keep them fit. Of course, this does not mean that you have to be less responsible. It is very important that you are well-informed about the special features of the breed you choose in order to have a healthy and happy dog.

There are many benefits to, owning a small dog and you do not need much to keep him happy; just a big enough heart.

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