Pomeranian Dogs

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When a toy sized dog is what makes you happy, you should learn a few things about the Pomeranian dogs. They may just be the canine friends you were looking for. These lovable fur balls originated from Germany and Poland and were highly loved by historical and cultural figures alike. They generally weigh between 1 to 3 kilograms and have a life expectancy of about 15 years. This means you can enjoy spending time with your canine companion for a long period.

<b>Pomeranian Dogs</b>

Pomeranian dogs are mostly recognized by their extensive coat which is longer around the neck and on the chest area. They have a soft, short undercoat which makes them constant shedders. The eyes are almond shaped and dark, while their ears are little and erect. The Pomeranians come in various coat colors and patterns. This breed needs frequent coat brushing, due to the long double coat.

When you love proud, lively dogs, Pomeranian dogs are the perfect choice for you. The Poms, as they are also known, will enlighten your house with their joy, energy and games extended throughout the day. With a wonderful companion such as this, you will never run out of fun-filled moments.

Pomeranians are friendly and affectionate, yet alert and a little too independent at times. They easily get curious and tend to bark extensively when not trained otherwise. Because of their increased independent behavior, Poms need to be shown who the “pack leader” is, or they may get the small dog syndrome where they believe they own the house and their owner and thus, assume possession over “their property”. This is not a breed trait, but a behavior induced by their owners treatment.

If your Pomeranian pup presents separation anxiety, nervousness, boldness, excessive barking, temperamental behavior or even desire to attack larger sized dogs, then you may be confronting with a small dog syndrome issue. This is why Poms are not recommended as childrens pets. Pomeranian dogs need to be given limits in order to become trustworthy, mentally stable family companions.

Their size makes them great companions for elderly people. They need daily walks, but react very well to apartment life and do not necessarily need a yard. If you decide to adopt or own a Pomeranian pup already, make sure to do regular dental checkups because they have sensible teeth that are prone to various problems. Additional care should be given to skin and possible heart problems during life.

These small fluffy dogs are constantly making families happy with their joyful barking and tricks. Your home can become a happy crib for a Pom. When you want to bring a pup into your home, make sure to check animal shelters and foster homes. This way you will be saving a pups life and give an example to others that want a family pet.

Before adopting a Pom, you should take the information above into consideration. When Pomeranian dogs are taken care of properly, they are incredible companions that will bring joy into your home and family.

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