The Hard Life of Alley Cats

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Alley cats are cats that do not have owners and may not even be very familiar with human beings. They live in colonies or alone and roam through cities in order to find food and shelter. As their name says, they are constantly seen on dark alleys, behind dumpsters or even in back yards while they are searching for food. Many of them display feral behavior, while others are just stray cats abandoned by their owners. Regardless of their origin, they are specimens representing the feline species, which means they possess vanity, strong tempers and are, in some cases, quite difficult to tame.

The Hard Life of Alley Cats

Alley cats have the same characteristics as any cat. They are smart predators that love to hunt their prey. They usually hunt for birds and small mammals, such as rats and mice, but eat reptiles, fish and amphibians too. And of course, they can always search for food left by humans in dumpsters. Being used to their harsh life, they can usually sustain themselves without the help of a human. Yet volunteers choose to feed them whenever they get the chance. Some stray cats are even adopted by caring volunteers that choose to offer them a better life and a cozy shelter.

Alley cats know how to protect their territory and take care of themselves, but they surely will prefer a nice warm home and an easy meal. Their lives are not something to envy - they must fight hard to protect their territory and prey. They must put a lot of effort into finding enough food - sometimes they don't eat for days, poor things.

Humans always find it easier to shoo stray cats away, always thinking that they will spill over their dumpsters and make a mess all around. But most of them never stop to think about the harsh life of a stray cat or bother offering a helping hand. These cats can develop all sorts of health problems, because they live in areas where germs and bacteria spread fast, so any open injury may lead to infection and great complications. Have you ever thought about that? Sometimes alley cats get into trouble, like getting stuck inside pipes or even within cracked walls. This is where firefighters and animal rescue volunteers come in. They are provided with foster homes and thoroughly checked for medical problems. They are cared for and nurtured and, in addition to this, they get a warm shelter. After this, they may be placed for adoption, depending on their behavior and health status. Some of these cats have higher chances to be adopted, while others may have to wait for long until they are given a home.

This is why people are always advised to consider adopting before buying a pet, whichever race it may be. Humanity is supposed to have the reason and soul necessary in saving lives. By adopting a cat, you will offer a chance to an innocent being. There are numerous alley cats out there that need to be loved and cared for - give them the chance to have a better life!

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