Teacup dogs The Newest Trend among Dog Lovers

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Teacup dogs are very small dogs that weigh around 2 to 4 pounds. Their nickname comes from the petite size of these little fur balls. Their name is not recognized by any dog registry, and they hardly fall under the toy dog breeds. Because of their peculiar size at maturity and their fast-growing popularity, these little pups are bred at a rapid rate, in order to be sold quickly. Famous dog breeders, however, have not made it a habit to breed these tiny dogs for sale.

<b>Teacup dogs</b> The Newest Trend among Dog Lovers

Owners of these so-called "teacup dogs" must be very careful and offer their dogs a great deal of attention. These little pups must be taken everywhere with their owner, since they can easily injure themselves if they are left alone. Some of the most popular teacup dog breeds have very small sized specimens. First of all, there is the common Chihuahua, followed by other breeds like poodles, Pomeranians, Shih Tzus, Papillons and even beagles.

What most people do not know about teacup dogs is that they are prone to a great range of health problems. The greatest threat is the fragility that comes with their premature birth. They may develop open fontanels (soft spots left because of the slow development of the cranial bone) and abnormal vessels that will allow the blood to avoid the liver (which leads to serious issues related to the circulatory system, as the blood will not be cleansed by the liver).

Another major concern is hydroencephaly, which can lead to your little dog having seizures. Among the most common health problems these little dogs may encounter are cardiac problems, hypoglycemia, digestive problems and blindness. When they are inbred (which constantly happens), these tiny dogs have a very short life span. Respiratory diseases can appear at any time. As mentioned before, this type of dogs must be supervised constantly, because they have really fragile bones that can easily break when falling off the couch or jumping off beds.

Regardless of possible problems, teacup dogs have become a must-have. A great number of stars are seen carrying such a tiny dog in their bag. This has led to the huge popularity these little pups have gained in the past few years. Everyone loved to see them around celebrities and wanted one of their own, and thus, a very popular industry of teacup-dog breeding has emerged. And their prices are going up the scale constantly, because celebrities keep promoting this kind of dogs.

When you decide to adopt or buy a teacup dog, make sure to do some research in what concerns the breed you want and the health problems that come with it. You must be well informed before making this important step in your life. No matter how cute they may be, teacup dogs need an enormous amount of attention and dedication that some people may not be able to provide, thus huge mistakes are made and both the human and the pup suffer.

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