Boy Cat Names

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When you browse through boy cat names and pick up one that matches the appearance and personality of your baby kitten, try to think that the little pet will grow up and the chosen name might not match the characteristics of your cat anymore and might just sound funny and inappropriate. The name you choose tells something not only about the pet, but also about you and can reveal your personality or just what you had in mind when you picked it.

Boy Cat Names

Choosing the perfect name from hundreds of boy cat names you can find is easier than you might think. First of all, study your cat's appearance, the way he acts and the way he looks at you. Trying to find a distinctive characteristic is a first step in finding the right name. Is your boy cat as lazy as Garfield or as fast and dynamic as Flash? Try to see how he walks, plays or purrs. Considering these aspects, you will see that a great variety of cute names are available, like for example, Tiger or Flappy.

Naming your boy cat based on the color of his coat is also very popular. If your cat is black you might want to name him Blackie, Ebony, Midnight, Panther, or Shadow. Some popular names for white boy cats are: Ariel, Frosty or Snowdrop. A boy cat with a black and white coat can be named Panda, Penguin, Snoopy or Zebra. If your kitten has grey coat you might choose a name for him like Ash, Charcoal, Smoky or Steel. The best boy cat names for an orange cat are: Garfield, Ginger, Pumpkin or Rusty.

According to your own preferences, you might choose a cool name for your male kitten like Diesel, Boxer, Captain, Harley, Outlaw, Norton, Rebel and many, many other. Also, your pet can take the name of your favorite character from a novel or a movie or you can find the right name relating to your own religious beliefs. For example, if you are a Wiccan, you can give your cat a magical name like Blackthorn, Hazel, Oracle, Wand or Yule.

Another idea is to choose an ironic name for your cat, one that means the contrary of its appearance or personality. Naming your shy little kitten Batman or Tiger or your big black cat Snowdrop would definitely make everyone smile.

If you feel that none of these ideas seems to fit your pet and you think you are out of ideas of boy cat names, you can just stick to a popular name like Felix, Sylvester, Chester, Smudge, Simba or Puss.

As a final remark, choosing the name for your pet might be a challenge, but your decision will surely show your creativity, tastes and sense of humor. If you have any difficulties deciding on one name, browsing through online lists of boy cat names (in alphabetical order or according to various breeds) might also be very helpful, as you will find detailed explanations for every name.

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