Main Reasons Why People Choose to Get a Cat

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If you are thinking of getting a pet, a cat might be the “purrfect” choice for you, if you are more of an indoors person. Imagine how relaxing it would be to sit in the afternoon, with your feline companion on your lap, and listen to the calming effect of her purring.

Main Reasons Why People Choose to Get a Cat

A cat can be the ideal friend for everyone who would not mind being ignored by a pet that is sometimes moody. It is extremely popular among children, especially girls.

Taking care of a cat is pretty easy, and can be done by anyone. It has to be fed according to its age, it has to be brushed once a week (or more often, depending on the breed) and it has to be introduced to her litter box while it is still a kitten. Unlike a dog, which needs to be taken out for a walk frequently, she will love staying indoors at all times. Also, you do not need to worry about having to give her a bath too often, because cats are very clean animals and they usually clean themselves.

Cats are usually very playful and love to interact. They will love to play with your children or with any toys specifically designed for them. There is a great variety of toys for cats available for purchase at any pet shop or supermarket. If you do not want to spend money on these things, you can just make a handmade toy for her, by attaching a string to a cloth ball.

What is great about cats is that they are independent pets. They do not get bored at home, even if you are working long hours, as they also love to play by themselves or simply sleep all day if they have nothing else to do. You just need to be sure that you leave a bowl full of water and a bowl full of dry food for the whole day within her reach, and she will look after herself and go to eat or drink whenever she is hungry or thirsty.

You can choose a cat as a pet at any age. You can teach your children how to handle responsibility, by putting them in charge of feeding her, for example. They might tend to see the little animal as a friend, telling all their secrets to this good listener. Cats are also great companion for elderly people, for persons living alone or for couples without children.

Some studies have proven that persons who own cats suffer less stress and tension and, as a result, cut on the risks of cerebral attack, heart attack or high blood pressure. It is said that they live longer than owners of other pets or people that do not have a pet at all.

All in all, no one said that getting a cat will magically change your life, but if you get used to its habits, you will find that it helps you get rid of stress and entertains you and your entire family.

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