What Cat Food Is Best for Your Furry Friend?

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When you consider what cat food to buy for your little pet you must take various factors into account and must also keep in mind that a cat has different needs than a dog. Although both types of animals are part of the carnivore class, there are fundamental differences in their nutritional necessities. Dogs are, from their eating habits' point of view, similar to humans. Due to domestication, they eat vegetal and animal-based products and are considered almost omnivores. However, cats are strictly carnivores and therefore they need more essential nutritional elements in their diet.

What Cat Food Is Best for Your Furry Friend?

The cat food that you feed your pet with must be created especially to satisfy the necessities of your kitten and ensure its health and development. Like any other being, cats need a well balanced diet to keep them fit and healthy. Their diet should comprise of proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals in various proportions.

Moreover, being strictly carnivorous, cats need certain nutritional substances that can be naturally found only in animal tissues. Also, like in our case, cats need a balance between calorie intake and energy consumption. This balance is strongly influenced by a series of factors such as age, physical condition and activity level.

Proteins are a very important element for the development and healing of muscle fibers. Thus, they are of great importance for pregnant cats, young kittens and convalescent cats and should always be present in the cat food you choose to provide for your pet. Actually, cats need more proteins than many mammals, including dogs. Felines have a carnivorous metabolism that can not adjust to a low protein intake. Therefore, your cat needs to be fed a certain type of food to meet the high demand of proteins. It should never be fed human food and not even dog food.

The cat food that you find in stores is not always the perfect choice for your little pet; therefore, you need to carefully read what it contains and see if it suits your cats diet.

There are two main types of food available, grouped according to their water content as follows: wet or dry cat food. Wet or canned food is usually based on meat or fish. This type of food is mostly produced to be served fresh and is quite delicious, while dry food, even though not as appealing for some cats, contains a higher concentration of nutritional substances than wet food and it also lasts longer.

You can give your kitten either just wet or dry food or you can combine them, whatever your pet prefers. You must also keep in mind to have a bowl of fresh water for it at all times, especially if you feed it only dry food.

Remember that cats are very sensible to the way their food tastes and have a very pretentious approach to what they are fed with. Some refuse bad quality food even to the verge of starvation. Taste is as important to your cat as it is to you, so let your furry friend try out various flavors and textures of cat food available on the market and then let it decide for itself what it likes best.

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