Tips on How to Correct Cat Behavior

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We all know that cat behavior can sometimes be characterized as independent and capricious, but it can also be, at times, lovable and sweet. Cats can be very affectionate sometimes but it all depends on their mood, because a cat almost always does as it pleases.

Tips on How to Correct <b>Cat Behavior</b>

However, what happens if your cuddly pet wants to show its love in the worst of times and in the worst ways possible? You have to admit that this can be quite annoying sometimes, unless you learn how to correct cat behavior.

Although you might think that a badly behaved cat is difficult to cope with, it is not necessarily hard to change its attitude. All you need to know is how to react to what it does and how to make compromises.

Unlike dogs, cats do not always need to be trained, because they have an innate sense of righteousness - they just have the tendency to ignore it when it's convenient. Therefore, if you are firm about your rules as well as generous with your cat, it will reward you with its unconditional affection. If you notice a sudden negative change in cat behavior, then it means it is either stressed, angry with you or lonely.

First of all, if your cat becomes aggressive with you or other animals, then you must say a firm “no” each time this happens. If it doesn't work, you may eventually have to castrate it to stop the territorial behavior towards other animals.

To teach it what the right behavior is, you must reward your pet and be affectionate when it is behaving properly. Moreover, you must understand that there are certain innate behavioral traits specific to certain breeds which you will have little chances to correct. This is why you must learn to compromise from time to time.

To avoid seeing your cat “beg” just to draw your attention or to get a little piece of your meal, before you eat you should first feed your pet. This will keep it busy and will make it sleepy, therefore allowing you to enjoy your meal in peace. Be consistent; if the cat begs, ignore it and do not feed the cat with food off the table.

Another typical bad cat behavior example is eating plants or wool and scratching furniture. In this case, you should provide alternative toys for preventing this and place double-sided tape around the plant or furniture piece - cats do not like tape, so they will stay away from it.

Finally, it is important not to panic, because none of the above issues are not serious problems that can not be corrected. You must be consistent in your attitude towards the cat and also try to set some rules. If you do not act as a leader, your pet will manifest an attitude of superiority and stop listening to you. However, nothing in the cat behavior is unchangeable, so if you find yourself in a dilemma, do not give up on your adorable animal - instead, try to apply the tips above and you will be amazed at how effective they are.

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