Often Encountered Cat Health Problems

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Cat health problems can affect any kitten at one point or another and some are more severe than others. There are conditions that can be easily foreseen and there are some that need a little extra care. Here are some the most common health problems that your cat can encounter:

Often Encountered <b>Cat Health Problems</b>

Among the most common cat health problems your pet can suffer from is diabetes. Feline diabetes usually occurs in older cats, especially the obese ones. Another important fact to remember is that it seems that males are more prone to this disorder than females.

Even though diabetes signs may be different from one cat to another, the most usual symptoms are unusual thirst and excessive urination. So, if you notice these two signs in your cat, take it to the vet immediately. With proper treatment and diet, your pet can live happily for many years, but if you ignore its condition you can endanger its life.

Broken bones
The little naughty kittens usually like to be near your feet at all times, this is why it is very easy for the owners to step on their little paws and break them. Kittens break bones easily and if you see that your pet limps or keeps one of its legs elevated, you must take it to a vet shop immediately. Although these broken bones can heal relatively quickly, this is one of the cat health problems that must not be ignored, as some injuries may require surgical interventions or else the kitten might risk having a crooked leg.

This is another common medical problem that cats might develop frequently. Ringworms are not actually worms, but a fungus that grows on the skin of the animal and causes hair loss. It seldom looks like a cigar burn on the skin. It is one of the most contagious cat health problems and can easily spread from a cat to another and even passed onto dogs and sometimes humans. If you notice any bumps or spots on the kittens skin, then take it to the vet as quickly as possible.

Another type of worm that might affect your little furry friend is the roundworm. The infestation with this type of parasites is usually present in young kittens, cats developing immunity to this affliction as they grow. The cat can get roundworms after coming in contact with infested water, feces, soil, but also from flees or lice that have the worms as well. You must understand that you need to disinfest your pet as often as it is needed.

All in all, these are the most common problems you might confront with when it comes to your kitten's health. There are many other diseases most cats are prone to, such as conjunctivitis, ear mites, kidney disease, cat flu or feline immunodeficiency virus, but they are rarer than the ones stated above. However, do not forget that, no matter what cat health problems you face, you must always consult your vet as fast as possible because he knows what is best for your little pet.

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